Krukoff Excavation and Paving Inc. of Ashford CT

Residential Drainage and Paving | Mansfield, CT
The driveway in this Mansfield property was built on a bad base and needed widening. Because water had not been draining, puddles formed where the walkway met the driveway.The walkway had been improperly installed by a different contractor. It was way too low – there was no forethought of driveway installation, so new grades were established and about 10 feet of the walkway was rebuilt. During work, clogged downspouts were discovered under the driveway. This could have led to heaving of the pipe under the driveway in the wintertime. We took measures to clear the clogs and prevent future problems. After we created the new, wider driveway, gravel was installed, and we paved. What a beautiful transformation!