Krukoff Excavation and Paving Inc. of Ashford CT

Residential Drainage and Paving | Bill Hammond, Andover, CT
Bill’s driveway had drainage issues where water was bleeding out of the hillside and softening the length of his driveway. Overgrown trees had diminished the width of his driveway, and he wanted some new parking areas installed. As a fix to the water issue, we dug a trench for a curtain drain alongside the driveway and designed a drainage system. After we cleared the trees along the driveway, removed some stumps in the backyard, and dug out for the new parking areas, we leveled it all. Several rocks and boulders had to be removed from the driveway base prevent damage from frost heaves. Then we installed a strong gravel base and paved. This was a 2 day project.